
5 Cups full cream milk

1/2 cup rice flour

1 cup sugar

A pinch of salt

3/4 tsp cardamom powder

4-5 drops rose water

1/4 cup pistachios

1/4 tsp saffron

1 tbsp milk

Heat half the milk in a heavy bottom pan. Meanwhile dissolve the rice flour in the remaining milk. Slowly add this to the hot milk, stirring continuously. Continue to cook on very low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes a thick, light custard. Add sugar and salt and cook for 2-3 minutes more until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool and add cardamom powder and rose water and mix well. Serve cold in small bowls, garnished with chopped pista and saffron soaked in milk.

Special rice payasam

100 gm basmati rice, washed and drained

600 ml milk

300 ml evaporated milk

4 tbsp almond powder

Sugar to taste

1 1/2 tsp cardamom powder

1 tbsp rose water

Bring the rice to boil along with the milk. Reduce heat and simmer until soft. Mash slightly. Pour in the evaporated milk. Add almond powder and sugar and cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add cardamom and rose water and stir well. Serve hot or cold.